Welcome to the Tiled API!
You can use our API to enable single sign on (SSO) into our app.
More to come…
HTTP based authentication
Example SSO universal link
For this example, and the username of
and password offancypants
, the following will POST tohttps://my.auth.provider
"user": {
"email": "",
"password": "fancypants"
The default POST body if
were not set would look like:
"username": "",
"password": "fancypants"
And we are expecting a JSON result of the form:
"user": {
"profile": {
"login": "",
"firstName": "Bob",
"lastName": "Johnson"
You can see
and the twonamePath
parameters will allow the app to correctly parse the result and
as the email address to use for finding the correct tiled user in our system. The name parsed from this results would beBob Johnson
Use this method to authenticate with third party identity providers.
Universal Link
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
url | true | none | The url for your identity provider’s authorization endpoint. |
apiToken | true | none | Your Tiled API token - generated in account settings on |
emailPath | true | none | The path to the user’s email address in the response body. |
namePath | true | none | The path to the user’s name in the response body. If the user name is in multiple parts, they can be specified with multiple instances of namePath parameters and the results will be joined with a space at runtime. |
expirationPath | false | null | The path to an optional session expiration date in the response body. |
method | false | POST | HTTP method to use when accessing url . |
usernameLabel | false | username | The placeholder text for the username form input in the app. |
passwordLabel | false | password | The placeholder text for the password form input in the app. |
usernameKey | false | username | The path in the request body to set the username in the request sent to url . |
passwordKey | false | password | The path in the request body to set the password in the request sent to url . |
ttl | false | null | How long the session should last (in milliseconds or a string representation e.g. “24h”, “30m”, “12345s”, “4d”). Note, if expirationPath is set and a valid date is found using it, ttl will not be used. |
formTitle | false | Sign in | The title displayed at the top of the sign in form in the app. |
formLogo | false | null | A URL to an image to display at the top of the sign in form in the app. The logo is letterboxed in a rectangle 306x80. Note - if set, formTitle will not be used. |
primaryColor | false | #eb2227 | The background color of the sign in button and the text color of the form inputs. Note, the sign in button text color is white. |
storeCredentials | false | false | If this is true, the user’s credentials are stored in the device Keychain and when a session expires the user can authenticate with TouchID or 4-digit PIN to get a new session. |
Web based authentication
Example SSO universal link
Use this method to authenticate with third party identity providers using a web-based OAuth, OpenID, SAML or other flow.
Universal Link
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
id | true | none | A unique ID provided by Tiled |
ttl | false | null | How long the session should last (in milliseconds or a string representation e.g. “24h”, “30m”, “12345s”, “4d”). Note - if ttl is not set, the session will not expire unless manually revoked on the Tiled website. |
Using custom auth tokens
Example SSO universal link
Use this method if you want to generate and sign a secure token and send it directly into the app to authenticate the user.
Universal Link
Query Parameters
Parameter | Required | Default | Description |
id | true | none | A unique ID provided by Tiled |
token | true | none | A signed token containing the user’s email address for lookup |
ttl | false | null | How long the session should last (in milliseconds or a string representation e.g. “24h”, “30m”, “12345s”, “4d”). Note - if ttl is not set, the session will not expire unless manually revoked on the Tiled website. |
Custom Tiles with Remote Data
Custom tiles can be configured to fetch remote data for rendering. This documentation outlines the configuration values you can use and how they work.
Configuring remote URL
Example URL without query string parameters
You provide a URL where the data needed for the custom tile can be accessed. The URL will be access with an HTTP GET
request with the current user’s ID appended as the query string parameter userId
The user ID is their email address
that has been base64
Example response
"label": "My custom label",
"body": "Some great body copy",
"color": "#0080ff"
The URL you provide should return a valid JSON object
with the Content-Type
header set to application/json
The data you return will be used to override the default values (configurable in the app editor) for the custom tile.